Sunday, August 9, 2009

do the hokey pokey

with the case of the blues and half the family gone, i went on and got my form of entertainment in a different direction today. sooo, i went to mum and dad's and rummaged through some drawers (*evil grins*). tears and laughter of sentiment came on rolling by. so here we go my grandma's birthday picture taken in the 90's. i got interested looking at every one in that photo and how time proves it's funny ways by having attacks of wrinkle-itis and pubey's...o---kay that sounded kinda wrong. anyways moving onthe beloved grandfather,yun keong koko at 1 and a very bushy-haired daddy. oh,oh and i found dad's ancient class picture bwahahahaha!!one of the many postcards sent when everyone 'cept the kids(who HAD to stay home) went round the world. andddd presenting

dear ol' dad =)

speaking of which, why was this stashed away inside your drawer hmm? guess dad had his lil fantasy women too >D

and these were found in mum' wow.

and these too. adorable perfumey-cream charms

so on another note, it's back to school tomorrow. PROM mania people!!!!

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