Saturday, August 15, 2009


recognize him? that my good people is godzilla. however he had an off-duty today. so as unfortunate as it was,his temporary replacement? my mother. to me, that explains everything.
anyways, with the unnecessary ear bashing, i still had some form of a good time at jananee's today. slightly blurrified pictures ahead, and jananee has the awesome-est mom. i'm a one cuisine kinda person myself, howeverrr her cooking has opened up my new found respect, and that's saying something. plus, instead of mum's yelling at kids messing up their home, jananee's mum was one of the notorious ones splattering cake on everyone. sighhhh, a lil shoutout to my tuapek. i love you and i am soooo sorry. and a big thank you to korkor and mingy!!!
night people

1 comment:

Fiona Gan said...

your photos are more than A LITTLE blurry. hahah! :)