Monday, September 13, 2010

i'll find repose in new ways,though i haven't slept in two days

yes, that thing above was a result of me putting off having to hit the books. and yes, it is a fly. why a fly you may ask? well, it's - caution, this mouthful is coming out of wrath therefore, vulgarity is of abundance - because these useless creatures happen to have twice or more the amount of horny hormones in their oh-so-tiny bodies that they have to mate every f***ing second and get impregnated with a large f***ing amount of babies that could easily shame octomum's soccer team. then of course, with them putting lust before thought, they have no f***ing place to lay their eggs that they dispose of them in people's pets! once, alright you may be forgiven if not proven fatal, but the second time is crossing the line you f***ing tards! now the poor creature can barely walk and of course you are off having sex once again. I WILL SHOW NO MERCY, ohh you better believe every single one of you will be the death of my mosquito racquet, your fat-ass horny hormone filled bodies will end up in flames!!

no evil laughs though.


Justine said...

Flies should go to hell!!!!
ugh. How is your dog now?

cheyenne said...

exactly!!!still limping but so far they've said that it's clear of any larvae but if it happens the third time we don't know what's gonna happen

Charlynn said...


cheyenne said...

yes, your robbie.