Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i want your leather studded kisses in the scene. i want your love

artsy fartsy pudding and pie~

never too old to find roots in leo, pablo or vincent. the answer to doubt? look at zbigniew and how he earns big bucks by plastic bricks.

anyhoo, it's become an annoying fact that stuff i own and love to bits are on the verge of either becoming worn out or completely worthless. for instance, a very embarrassing lesson with nike shorts and being easy bait for pick pocket-ers. so it's freaking me out that the "grim reaper" would pay a visit to my beloved p.frank monkey soon. screw it lah, ignore the fact that it's new, you'll probably see it in bubble wrap soon. and there is no space for the "all good things must come to an end" bull, not now.

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