Wednesday, April 9, 2008

ups and downs

we had our badminton tournament in school today =).mix doubles,me and kuan jon vs. alex and nee voon.we lost.i got to hand it to alex."you're good!".anyhoo had personal problems at the end of the day which has been killing me for the past 6 hours now.ugh.the thing that cheered me up a lil was my parents coming home from aussie with SOUVENIERS!!!.bwahahahaha i got an I TOUCH!!wooooo and the rest of the stuff just builds up the happiness like the swavorski crystal necklace,hot clothes and funky(such and 80's word) mentioned before with computers and technology i'm lost.sooo loading movies and videos into and i pod is already something i am sesated with and be like sky high if i accomplished it.ah well....sorry bryan i'll do the tag soon =)))

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